Wednesday, March 24, 2021

How many faces or images do you see?

One of the ways I avoid human contact (eye contact) is to look at things that capture my eye. I took this picture of the sky in a city park in Rankin Inlet when too many people came. I call it, "Howmanyfacesorimagesdoyousee?"

Lighten thou mine eyes; and I shall behold the marvels of thy [works].

Don't quite know how I managed this

 This is a view from the bedroom of the first apartment I moved into in Rankin Inlet.

there is no touch-up, no trickery.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

The Pandemic: I did not buy more than usual toilet paper

At the start of the pandemic, I didn't horde any toilet paper, I did not make any sundry sourdough baked goods, I had no memes to share.

What I started was what I had continued from before.

this is my study of the archangel, Michael.

this is 'found material' that I put together

-a 5pm.

Here is the face of Chronos

and, here is Medusa

-where is Chronos here?